
8 Simple Tips for Preparing for a Stress Free Back-to-School Season!

Before you know it, the fall will be here. You can be sure this back to school season is stress free by following these 8 simple tips.  Start preparing now to get your child organized. You may say, “It’s July, I don’t want to think about it now”.  Do not wait until the last week in August.  Prepare now, even if you put a plan on paper and put it into motion later. 8 Simple Tips for a Stress-Free Back-to-School Season : Get them in the habit now of organizing their clothes. Keeping like items together, color code, keep tops together, pants together, etc.  This tip will save you money because you know exactly what is in their closet and you won’t buy duplicate items. Go through their entire closet when the seasons change. Be sure your child has an area designated in the home to do their homework. Give them a space in their bedroom or in another area of the home, preferably not the kitchen table. Give them a space that is their own space. Buy them a small desk with drawe

Simple Tips for a Tidy House from a Professional Organizer!

Keeping a Clutter Free and Kid Friendly Kitchen! The meals are planned, prepped and served. Lunches are packed and the kids know just where to look for their favorite treats. Our fridges hold the leftovers from the weeks end, invitations to birthday parties and our children’s beautiful works of art. Where else but in the kitchen can you create so many memories, meals and….a mess! Being the center of the household the kitchen can quite honestly become the dumping ground for anything from backpacks to sneakers to mail. Keeping your kitchen clutter free is possible by simply creating zones and boundaries for its use! Here are some simple quick tips to help your kitchen stay de-cluttered from the first meal of the day to the last glass of juice just before bedtime. Information Central- Creating a Task Center The kitchen is typically our first stop of the day. Utilize a dry erase board on the fridge, put up a cork board or magnetic calendar and list daily appointments and r

Our Visit to Story Land Recap & Ticket GIVEAWAY!

My daughter recently turned four! Before her birthday, we kept throwing around different celebration ideas and party themes. Should we have a cookout in our yard and have a kiddie pool, jumpie house etc? Do we hold off-site at a  type of kiddie playland? All great options… options we’ve done for previous parties . This year we wanted to do something a little different. Since she had been asking to go on vacation or as she calls it, “Bacation”, we decided to go on a long-weekend getaway to celebrate her birthday. But, where do we go? We have been told by many that she is a little too young to truly enjoy Disney. We needed to find a fun-filled, spot that was geared to little ones. We decided on Story Land in Glen, New Hampshire. Story Land is a family-friendly park geared for families with kiddos ranging in ages from 2-12.  Last year, we went to another well-known theme park in Pennsylvania but unfortunately had an awful experience. We swore to never go back. 

Tips From a Teacher~ Simple Summer Learning Activities You Can Do At Home

So many parents ask “So, what can I do to help my child(ren) continue to learn and progress with math and reading over the summer"? As a teacher, I always recommend that parents do continue to work with their children during the summer so that their children don’t have what I call, the “summer loss” syndrome.    I would say “just a little everyday”. Not a big deal, right? Well, that was before I was a mom. Now, having two little ones at home, I know that just a little bit can become a big deal. You still want a stress-free summer that is fun for your children and yourself. Here are some simple summer learning ideas that will make that “a little everyday” a lot easier and something fun that your child will look forward to. You will take pride in the fact that you are helping your little ones with math and reading skills and your child will have so much fun, he will not realize he is doing school work! Simple Summer Learning Activities : If you h

Finding Family-Life Balance! How Bad Do You Want It?

I don't know if you ever feel the same, but something I struggle with is finding a balance between family responsibilities and spending time with my almost 4 year old. I constantly have something on the to-do list whether it is doing dishes, folding laundry, making my monthly meal plan…the to-do’s never end. I also have a little one, an only child, that always wants me to play with her.  I recently came across the following Polish proverb: I am getting much better at stopping what I’m doing when my preschooler says “mama, let’s play together”.     As you know they grow so fast. In the blink of an eye, there may come a time when she is 13 and no longer wants to spend time with me.   The chores will always be here AND will eventually get done.   

Couponing 101: Organizing Your Stockpile

Now that you’ve started to use coupons to stock your homes with your favorite foods and cleaning items it’s time to really think about your stockpile. It is important to be realistic with the amount of space that you have and can devote to your grocery items. I am lucky enough to have a full basement with plenty of space to store my items but if you don’t have this luxury you can be creative without making your house look like the local convenience store. Storing items under beds and in closets is a great way to keep organized and to maximize your space. If you are going to do this I highly recommend keeping your items in Rubbermaid plastic totes that are labeled with the contents. The totes help to keep critters out and the labels will keep you from having to rifle through each bin trying to find what you need. Also keep your like items together. I have all my cat and dog food together on one shelf, all my paper goods on another, all baking items together an

7 Tips for Making Bathtime Fun & Not a Struggle!

Bathtime, it is either a time that you little ones love or hate! There was a time, not too long ago, that my preschooler would run when I said “tubby time”. Since, baths are a necessity, I had to come up with some ideas to make bathtime fun for her AND me! By using everyday items you have around the house, you can turn bath time into play time! 7 Fun-filled Bathtime Ideas : Bubbles - I pour a little bit of bubbles in a cup and give a bunch of different shaped bubble wands. She has fun blowing bubble while I wash her hair with ease. Cups & Cooking Gadgets - She loves playing pretend cooking or pouring water from one cup to the other. Sometimes I ask her to make me hot chocolate, coffee, etc. Instead of putting up a struggle she is focused on her task at hand. If she starts to get frazzled, I’ll distract by asking “can you please put some milk in my coffee”. Works everytime! Plastic Toys - Give your child plastic tub-safe toys of different weights. Play the